Monday, November 21, 2016

You're Being Called.....

It's Thanksgiving 2016!  A new Holiday Season is upon us to remind us all to reflect on our lives, give thanks, offer gifts, and love one another.  Personally and professionally this year has had it's ups and downs for many of us. I've definitely had moments of doubt, frustration, and have neglected myself and others. Recently I was reminded to ask myself an important question, "What's my calling?"  Does it include being kind, being helpful, and encouraging someone to improve their life?   In those brief  moments of reflection I knew my good fortune.  I know my calling and am living it.

I Believe in You.......

So often, as I speak with people about their health goals, I can see how difficult it is for them to find their true motivator to better health.  We all have a reason that is bigger than ourselves to take our health more seriously. It's not selfish to want to be well.  Finding your motivator may be as easy as asking yourself a few questions.   What is your passion? What are you great at? What do you contribute to your community?  What would people lose if you were sick?  Whatever the answer....THAT is your motivator.  Your imprint on this world may be small compared to the mark of others, but it isn't any less important.

You're needed......

Take a moment to recognize your worth in this world.  Take a moment to understand how your passion improves the lives of the people around you. Take a moment to recognize how important it is to value your own health and the gifts you've been given.  Lastly, take a moment to think about how you care for that gift.  Our bodies and minds are amazing, but they need to be fueled and cared for.  There are no guarantees about how long each one of us has in this world to do the things we were called to do. Some of us have the added burden of managing an illness or disease.  Resolve to take one step today, to take care of your gift so that you can continue to make a difference in the lives of those around you.

I know what I've been called to do.  It won't make me a millionaire and it won't make me famous, but I know I'm needed and that is my motivation for taking care of my mind and body.  Please take a few moments each day to make taking care yourself a priority.  Because in doing so, you extend your reach of being kind, being helpful, and  you have an opportunity to show and encourage others in this world how to improve their own lives.